Lema Design
  • Fireflys Logo
  • Microsoft Connect Postcards
  • Print ad – Beheadmints 2
  • Masterson Entertainment Logo
  • Print ad – Beaheadmints 1
  • Office 2013 Launch
  • Microsoft backdrop banner
  • Print ad – Pepto 1
  • Print ad – Pepto 2
  • Simply Chiropractic Logo

Beheadmints Tins

Published 2013/03/09 at 10:20 PM - No Comments

A Cinema 4D render of mint tins for a case study. 2008. IWEBIX Webdesign

Office 2013 Launch

Published 2013/03/09 at 4:03 PM - No Comments

Super banner and window graphics for the Office 2013 launch.

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